The Eterna


clan news

5/18 The clans are settling back into their territories after the war. The war ravaged the clans territories and ranks, leaving all with new leaders and with heavy loss. Now, they are dealing with a new prophecy, without knowing what's going to happen to the island.


Greenleaf, 2022

of the month


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You're My Fire [closed - Celestine w/ Aquila]

The Counsel

Don't let anyone determine your fate, but yourself ^^

gemini Avatar


Post by gemini on Jun 24, 2022 21:30:49 GMT -6


Apprentice of CoyoteClan

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

Profound golden-yellow oculars envisioned the privilege of being a warrior, considering his apprenticeship felt significantly restraining. His visage was the color of fresh blooms smooched by the sunshine, the hue that pledged to revive vitality from stagnant roots. The budding plants are conducted upward by daybreak before flourishing into the vibrant colors of a new season. Cariboupaw imagined that being entitled as a warrior indicated more freedom. Little did he comprehend that it wasn't all that. Ordinances existed; regulations he didn't enjoy following. Initially, Cariboupaw harbored excitement regarding becoming an apprentice. He hadn't valued the training adequately, moderately dubious about listening to his Mentor. Cariboupaw was a rebellious apprentice and a deplorable one to negotiate. Previously, in the older territories, before this drastic change, Cariboupaw would sneak out of CoyoteClan's at Sundown, honing his dexterities to demonstrate to his Mentor, Redsnake, when he purposely failed the prior training sessions. He would appear to the subsequent one, excelling in his learning skills. The youthful tom predominantly excelled in hunting, tracking, and applying his agility. The tom's nasal passages were an exceptional advantage to appeal to his hunting mastery. He was undoubtedly an autonomous feline. He failed the only time in training sessions intentionally.

Moments ago, Cariboupaw slinked out of the campsite, as he'd always had. This time, it hadn't entirely been Sundown, shortly greeted by the moon's surfacing and the sun's descent for the Night, where Silverpelt revealed. In that welcome amber luminance, the time of deliberate reflections had anchored when his brain became an immaculate vacant horizon, glimpsing yet delighted to pose with unobstructed visions. Here came the soothing breeze, becoming absorbed in the harmony of crickets, authorizing the temperate dynamism of nature to wash over. The sire certainly felt free on his own. A peaceful smile plastered amongst his countenance as he ambulated onward, with a skip in his step. As the daybreak slowly depleted away, there was scarcely enough for shadows' appearance. Between preferring the darkness or not, the twilight would soon arrive, and everything in the woodland would be hidden underneath it. Even the luminaries above and moon recoil behind a dense cloud layer, giving the ambiance he associated with the Earth before a storm. Cariboupaw's auditories became more vigilant and his mentality conscious; every twig snap is a predator, or prey, even if it is another feline. For each aroma, the apprentice's brain jumped to the most dreadful thing it could be, and his body was prepared for flight, fight, or freeze. For the most part, he resisted fleeing. Running would give his position away, and I'm not much of a fighter. He could insist on waiting while the blackness came and praying that the Sunhigh was distant.

The youthful bachelor strayed afar, closer toward the bordering areas. The tom's pace hindered, an unfamiliar aroma lingering in CoyoteClan's domain. Pivoting on his foundations, he curiously, without indecision nor circumspection, discovered himself diminishing his immense physique toward the terra firma. The aroma wasn't entirely foreign, as the opposing feline was absolutely part of a clan, but not his. Unfortunately, there was still a brim of daylight, casting his shadow to reveal that he'd been there. Cariboupaw slinked forward, hoisting himself slowly as he exposed his location completely, listening as paw steps approached. Without a second thought, Cariboupaw was quick to speak. With a chuckle, a few tail-lengths from the opposing feline, he hummed in thought, "Hmm, don't you know you're in CoyoteClan?" The tomcat scrutinized her with expansive, expressive umber visionaries, "I know you do, that's for sure. Our scents are here." The tomcat cut in before the loner could respond, though he could still respond if comfortable. Cariboupaw was instantaneous when grasping a conversation and conveying emotions, hardly presenting others the possibility to comment. He was ecstatically content speaking to another, and it was another clan cat! There was plenty of adrenaline rushing through Cariboupaw, standing on his tippytoes as he grinned cheekily, "Ah, it's rude of me...I always forget to introduce myself, the name's Cariboupaw! But seriously, you could get in trouble out here; it's hard not to cross the boundaries. I understand."

Notes: time to get this started--
Tag: w/ Aquila
Wordcount: 688


Made by Gemini
Last Edit: Jun 24, 2022 21:32:20 GMT -6 by gemini


Would you stay with me, in this non-reality?

Celestine Avatar


Post by Celestine on Jun 25, 2022 4:55:28 GMT -6

Patience was not Aquila's forte.
As much as he would like to say otherwise, the young tom was self-aware enough to know that facts were facts, and this was one fact he could not deny. It was all the waiting, listening, and preparation - knowing he could not just pounce the second he felt like it, but itching so terribly to do so. Hunting was not like fighting. Here, his spontaneity could get him in trouble. Well, hungry anyway, but those two clashed pretty often for Aquila.
That was where determination came in. Aquila had learned he rather liked eating, and he made a lot fewer friends when he was hungry. That was motivation enough to bottle up all that impulsive energy and let it blow after he made his catch. Stars, was it a struggle though.
Focusing all his attention on stalking as quietly and carefully as he could, Aquila missed the signs that ought to have had him running. For one, he had crossed one of those many-cat scent lines, and for the second - well, apparently he was not alone.
Aquila learned both of those facts the hard way. Just as the young tom had finally pounced on the admittedly huge bird - seriously, how was this feathery thing almost cat sized? - a voice broke his concentration. Aquila's vice grip loosened as his ears snapped to alert, and the pheasant took its chance, squirming and flapping until Aquila got a strong sharp-clawed kick to the face. The subsequent squeal of pain and surprise was anything but elegant.
Growling as the bird booked it across the river, Aquila whipped around, tail lashing and mouth running before his brain could catch up. "Hey! You better have another one of those, that was my dinner you- you..." Aquila trailed off as he realized his surroundings smelled like far too many cats, and this stranger was saying things like 'our' and 'Coyoteclan' and how was he so big? He hardly seemed older than Aquila himself!
That, apparently, was what Aquila's mind latched onto. Typical.
"Woah, you're uh...really big, and..." Aquila grimaced, shuffling his paws a little as he peered up at the stranger. "...and I'm a wool-brain, huh?" Words echoed by an awkward chuckle, Aquila flickered his tail, brain scrabbling to process the rest of whatever this cat had said. Oh. Introductions? Well, that was...promising.
Finally apparently managing to pull his paw out of his mouth, Aquila put on his best friendly, innocent expression. It wasn't hard considering it just about summed him up. "I'm Aquila," he greeted, barely registering the sting and wetness on his cheek as he tried to scrutinize this 'Cariboupaw.' "Sorry for trespassing on your uh...clan thing. Was yours the 'likes strangers' one or the, umm, pelt-removing one?"
NOTES: At least he's self aware?
[attr="class","trinCredits"]TABLE BY TRINITY @ ADOXOGRAPHY

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Last Edit: Jun 25, 2022 5:01:39 GMT -6 by Celestine

The Counsel

Don't let anyone determine your fate, but yourself ^^

gemini Avatar


Post by gemini on Jun 26, 2022 18:37:10 GMT -6


Apprentice of CoyoteClan

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

Cariboupaw wasn't harbored an ill-feeling that this conversation wouldn't be advantageous, as the opposing tomcat appeared displeased with the outcome of his hunt in CoyoteClan's territory. The bachelor hadn't been one to obey the regulations of StellerClan, technically dismissing them. Quite frankly, the clan life was restricted, or at least, that was Cariboupaw's perspective. Anytime the apprentice had the chance, he escaped the camp, though occasionally caught by his parents, who requested he remains close. Of course, he typically disregarded their introspections, although he cherished them. Fortunately for the loner, despite his behemoth size, Cariboupaw wasn't much of an aggressor. The sire possessed dexterities involving hunting, tracking, and agility. The last thing he desired to resort to would be violence and chasing another out of the clan's territory when he could converse with them. If the adversary existed to batter, he'd clash to survive. His gargantuan silhouette loomed over the smaller tomcat, a sheepish chuckle escaping his lips. He's so tiny. Is he a kittypet? The apprentice was unable to identify where he'd come from, but he hadn't reeked like a kittypet nor appeared chunky like a pampered feline.

The unfamiliar tomcat's vocalizations finally uttered, proclaiming that Cariboupaw was enormous; technically accurate. There were many gigantic warriors than him, and he was still youthful, having much room to mature. Wool-brain? He shouldn't talk about himself like that. "I wouldn't say much." The CoyoteClanner murmured, nearly inaudibly. For a moment, there was silence between the two. There was a mild warmth in the stillness, allowing the apprentice to determine that the opposing tom had zero intention of harming him. Again, the foreign cat spoke, his name omitting the quietness. "It's nice to meet you, Aquila, but spending your time here for too long might get you in trouble, as I mentioned." Cariboupaw vocalized truthfully, a stagnant stare encountering his visage as it widened and his pupils constricted. Anytime he discovered an unfamiliar feline, Cariboupaw became wretched with apprehension for their safety. Cariboupaw wasn't sure how his clanmates reacted to outsiders, considering he hadn't done much other than escorting them out after a pleasant conversation. Luckily for the young sire, he hadn't frequently been apporached by anyone deemed hostile.

"Oh, you don't have to apologize to me," The apprentice snickered, yellow oculars beaming with amusement, intrigued by the loner before him. Cariboupaw's foundations pressed into the soil, feeling the softness amongst his toes alleviated him, feathery tail flicking as he continued. "You never know who's friendly or," His commentary broke once more, jostled by a snicker, "Or, as you say, someone who is pelt-removing." A brisk shake erupted from Cariboupaw's crania, raising his eyebrows toward Aquila. "You know, you're funny, Aquila." A vibrant, toothy grin plastered amongst Cariboupaw's countenance. "I won't remove your pelt, however. I am happy to have found some company. If you're hungry, I'd love to assist you!" Cariboupaw's smile was undoubtedly infectious, fur bristling with anticipation.

Notes: at least... xD
Tag: w/ Aquila
Wordcount: 488


Made by Gemini


Would you stay with me, in this non-reality?

Celestine Avatar


Post by Celestine on Jun 28, 2022 2:19:13 GMT -6

It seemed for once Aquila had gotten lucky. Despite yet another terrible first impression, the other did not seem hostile. Okay, well, who knew what he was muttering under his breath over there, that could be a bad sign - but at least he wasn’t hissing threats at him! It was a start. Maybe Aquila could recover this? Head cocking slightly, he grasped at the opening in conversation.
"Seems like everywhere around here is trouble," Aquila countered, whiskers quivering as he laughed. "Or it could be me, I tend to get into all sorts of crazy."
Shaking his head faintly, Aquila snickered along with Cariboupaw. Although Aquila was not entirely sure what was so amusing about having one's pelt removed, the clanner seemed to find it funny rather than concerning, and of course, he ought to know more about this stuff than Aquila. Maybe it was some kind of inside joke? Albeit, a rather unsettling one.
Unfortunately for self-preservation, unsettling jokes and weird threats didn't bury his curiosity.
Somehow keeping up with the clan tom's lightning-paced conversation, Aquila returned the bright enthusiasm, even as mild confusion flickered through his gaze. "Oh! Well, thanks! I think?" That was a compliment…right?
Caught up in wondering if Cariboupaw was teasing or complimenting him, it took Aquila a moment to really register the other tom's offer. The moment the words settled, however, was clear. Excitement all but permeated Aquila's expression, tail quivering rapidly toward the stars, forepaws flexing and kneading the earth.
"Wait, really?!" The words left Aquila's mouth in a gasp, the floodgate of his flimsy restraint collapsing beneath them. The rest of his words tumbled out in a rushed breath. "That would be awesome! You're the best! Wait, can we hunt here? Well, I guess you can obviously, but can I? Probably not huh. Is there anywhere else we can go? Oh! Is there any cool prey? I tried catching one of those featherless black fox-birds in the ice caves but they were fast, have you caught one before? What do they taste like?"
It was just as Aquila was preparing another question that he realized his lungs were straining at the flow. Slamming the breaks, Aquila took a few gulps of air. 'Guess I still need to work on that,' Aquila mused. Shaking his head to clear it and restraining a few wheezing laughs, Aquila shot Cariboupaw his winning apologetic smile. "Sorry 'bout that! Uh, so like, is there anywhere I can hunt that isn't all forbidden and stuff?"
[attr="class","trinCredits"]TABLE BY TRINITY @ ADOXOGRAPHY

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[newclass=".trinCredits"]font-family:arial narrow;font-size:10px;font-style:italic;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;[/newclass]
Last Edit: Jun 28, 2022 2:20:34 GMT -6 by Celestine

The Counsel

Don't let anyone determine your fate, but yourself ^^

gemini Avatar


Post by gemini on Jul 15, 2022 13:24:12 GMT -6


Apprentice of CoyoteClan

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

Cariboupaw was one of the least aggressive cats when bypassing his rapid temper. Fortunately, his mood isn't explosive unless he's been suffering from anxiety, causing his mind to churn. Simply, a colossal overthinker, even if there wasn't logical reasoning. The bachelor often made scenarios up in his mind that weren't accurate or true. Cariboupaw was conscious of this unhealthy habit, compelling stress upon him now and then. When the weight became too much, he'd snap. Today was a fantastic day for the apprentice, vibrant yellow-gold visage beaming with curiosity and bliss. He was ecstatic to meet a possible new friend, as the tomcat was quite the socialite. He couldn't resist as another chuckle escaped his mandibles, "Well, you are in the territories between the clans. I believe your nose needs refinement. Take a deep breath," The youthful tom inhaled as he paused before resuming, "Smell that? My scent? Sure, I have a distinct aroma of my own, but I also supposedly reek of whichever Clan I belong to, and in this case, CoyoteClan." He explained rather casually. He didn't believe the loner comprehended much of the Clans, a soft sigh escaping his lips at the thought. He's bound to get killed if he doesn't learn these things!

It was transparent that Cariboupaw spoke briskly, perhaps because he suffered from anxiety and attention deficit hyperactive disorder, which could also explain his mood swings. The apprentice's foundations pressed into the soft terrain, causing the soil to disband. He kneaded the ground for a moment, quickly shifting himself upright as he paced the other direction, delighted when Aquila accepted his offer to feast. "Let's go hunting then!" The tomcat chirped, starting to quicken his pawsteps, feathery tassel swaying behind his rump, heaved into the troposphere. "Featherless black fox-birds?" Cariboupaw inquired, relatively stumped by the loner's strange description. "I wish I knew what creature you were talking about-- do you think you could explain a little more?" The youngster didn't often grasp things entirely, as he was more of a visual being. Glimpsing over his shoulder at Aquila, he grinned toothily, "Well, beyond the Clan territories, of course. I imagine it's safe-ish. I wouldn't know; never been beyond the borders, but I would love to see!" The vibrancy in his gaze only heightened as he spoke, pupils dilating at his imagination. He had so much imagery painting within his mind, feeling overwhelmed with joy.

"Do you know how to track your prey, Aquila?" He questioned, auditories swiveling backward, wondering how much the opposing tomcat understood the keys to survival. "If you don't, no need to feel ashamed! I'm sure I could teach you a few things!" Cariboupaw's throat rumbled in a reverberating purr as he imagined helping another learn something. Despite his reluctance to listen to his mentor, he was an ambitious learner. He wasn't the easiest feline to teach physically, although he acquired mental notes and practiced on his lonesome to prove his mentor wrong. He was an obnoxious apprentice and assumed everyone felt terrible for his mentor.

Notes: --;-
Tag: w/ Aquila
Wordcount: 505


Made by Gemini


M O O N || S E A S O N


The weather has been hot and dry, the tail-end of greenleaf is still drying out the territories.

Prey has been tentatively coming back because of leaf-fall.

Herbs are seeing new sprouts, but still aren't plentiful.


♀ - 04 || ♂ - 04 || ☿ - 01

||TOTAL POP: 09||

Allegiance Table

♀ - 05 || ♂ - 01 || ☿ - 01

||TOTAL POP: 07||

Allegiance Table

♀ - 02 || ♂ - 06 || ☿ - 00

||TOTAL POP: 08||

Allegiance Table

♀ - 01 || ♂ - 02 || ☿ - 00

||TOTAL POP: 03||

Allegiance Table

♀ - 00 || ♂ - 02 || ☿ - 00

||TOTAL POP: 02||

Allegiance Table

A N N O U N C E M E N T S || N E W S


The site is fully built! I'm just adding in rules, templates, plot and small things like that. Nearly there!


We have a discord now! Find it above, in the media tab!


The site has some considerable work put into it now! We're getting there!



S I S T E R - S I T E S



The story is © to the creator of the site, Zelda; the dividers used at the top of the page are © to LIST dA; Pixel tree © to twistedragon on dA; clan census images © to Zelda; dividers between seasons © to Moonlight-pendent13 on dA; and all characters and writing is © to the respective authors. Banner is © to